How I’m Changing My Life in 2023

Let’s talk about how I’m changing my life in 2023. I know – big statement. Cheesy statement. Overused, cliche millennial statement. But the truth is, I’ve kind of discovered the secret formula for changing your life in a year. 

I did it back in 2021 and completely transformed my circumstances. I went from a lost, heartbroken, shattered shell of a girl who had no plans for the future and was so riddled with anxiety that she was scared to leave the house to the best version of myself. I wrote a book; travelled; made new friends; learned to dance; accepted dream opportunities; moved to Vietnam (and moved back again); and learned to love and believe in myself.

Again, cheesy. But again, true!

So if you’re wondering how to change your life in a year, check out my framework and apply it to your own goals. You’ll be amazed how much things can change in just 365 days. 

Set Your Goals

First things first, you need to decide what changes you want to make. What are you actually trying to achieve? What areas of your life aren’t looking so hot right now?

Grab a piece of paper (or download my free worksheets for this exercise here) and create a spider diagram. In the centre, write: “This time next year I am…” and around the edges, write what you want your life to look like in a year’s time. What things do you want to achieve? What traits do you want to build? What skills do you want to have?

Make a Plan

This is the important part. Usually, when people talk about how to change your life for the better, they focus on goals. And sure, it’s important to have solid goals. But those goals are no good if you don’t have a plan of action to get you from where you are right now to where you want to be by this time next year.

Imagine if you asked Google Maps for directions and all it did was give you the location of your destination without any instructions on how to actually get there. That’s what having goals with no plan is like.


So, for each goal you want to achieve, think about the habits you’ll need to form, the actions you’ll need to take, and the skills you’ll need to work on to get there. Take another piece of paper (or the second page of my free worksheet bundle). 

At the top, write, “I am the kind of person who…” and underneath, make a list of the kinds of things you’ll need to do in order to reach your goals.

How I’m Achieving My Goals in 2023

So that’s how to set your goals and create a plan. Now let me show you what that looks like for me in 2023.

I have a lot of goals I’m working towards this year, but my top priorities are:

  1. This time next year I am in the best shape of my life
  2. This time next year I am more financially secure for the future
  3. This time next year I am organised and clutter-free
  4. This time next year I am a confident and successful content creator

1. This time next year I am in the best shape of my life

So how am I going to achieve this goal? Well, I’ve got two habits that I’m working on building.

I am the kind of person who builds small and healthy daily habits.

The small things add up to make a big difference! Simply by altering my morning routine to add in more movement and hydration, I’m able to set myself up for success every day. I get up, drink a bottle of water, go for a one-mile walk, and do some yoga…all before my morning coffee.

I know! How unlike me!

But these small actions, built up over time, have completely changed the way I view exercise and hydration. They’re not chores anymore. They’re simply another part of my daily routine, just like brushing my teeth and getting dressed.

I am the kind of person who creates a sustainable exercise routine.

I don’t have the best track record with exercise. In the past, I’ve had an all-or-nothing approach that had led to a really unhealthy obsession with working out. Now my focus is on building a workout schedule that fits into my lifestyle, not one that obliterates my free time. 

Now, I’m doing:

  • At-home workouts 3-5 times a week (depending on my schedule). 
  • Krav Maga 2 times a week.
  • Dance class 1 time a week.

This is a level of exercise that fits with my schedule and makes me feel good!

2. This time next year I am more financially secure for the future

She says…having just quit her job.

So how am I taking better care of my finances this year?

I am the kind of person who cuts down on unnecessary expenses.

Enough said. Not more wasteful spending for me. And if you want to take a look at my list of things you can stop buying to start saving money, you can find it right here: 20 Things to Stop Buying RIGHT NOW.

I am the kind of person who keeps a spending record

This is one of my biggest tips when it comes to budgeting for beginners. And here’s the truth – I didn’t do this last year. I was on top of my spending and my savings were healthy. I didn’t think I needed to be so strict anymore. But now I’m back in saving mode and this is one of the most effective ways to save more money.

I use this free spending tracker app to help me keep track of everything. But I also have a free printable worksheet that you can download right here: Spending Tracker app.

I am the kind of person who tries new budgeting methods

Ladies and gentlemen, in 2023, I’m going to be cash-stuffing. This is a budgeting tool I’ve never tried before but I think it will be a really useful way to ensure I’m not overspending in some areas and leaving myself short in others.

I bought myself this hand-dandy cash-stuffing binder from Amazon. I’ll be sure to keep you updated with my results!

3. This time next year I am organised and clutter-free

Yes, I’m still working towards this goal and honestly, I probably will be until the day I die. After all, clutter is like a really annoying boomerang that just keeps coming back. But I’m still chipping away at mine and here’s how I’m planning on doing that:

I am the kind of person who does monthly declutters

If you want to keep on top of the clutter, you have to have a clutter-busting schedule. I’ll be decluttering one area of my life each month to make sure things stay under control and to get rid of as much clutter as possible throughout the year.

I am the kind of person who sticks to her big makeup use up

I’ve been doing my big makeup use-up since 2020. My cosmetics hoard is definitely much less alarming than it was when I started but I still have quite a long way to go. My rule is: if I already have a product in my collection, I can’t buy another one. I have to use up what I’ve already got first.

4. This time next year I am a successful and confident content creator

So honestly, this one has been on the back-burner for a while. In fact, content creation got completely abandoned while I was living in Hanoi. But in 2023, I’m determined to grow my audience, make better content, and create an even bigger and better community of kick-butt women who want to change their lives.


Well, I’m still working on that one but when I come up with my game plan, I’ll be sure to share it with you.

And here’s the thing – it’s ok if you don’t have all your plates up and spinning at the same time. Nobody does! I’ve been putting a lot of time and energy into building healthy habits and sorting through my finances. Now that I’ve got a handle on those, I can redistribute my time to create a game plan for my content creation goal.

Nobody has it all together all the time.

So that’s my take on how to change your life for the better.

  1. Create your goals. 
  2. Make a plan for actually achieving those goals.
  3. Do one positive action a day that will bring you closer to where you want to be by this time next year.

Sound simple? Yeah, it actually is! Don’t forget to grab a free copy of my worksheet bundle to help you set your goals and make a plan to help you achieve them. You can download it right here:


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