Well hey there friends! Remember me? I’m that blogger that used to bring you weekly posts about decluttering, no buy years and how to live your best life. Ring any bells? I know I’ve been MIA for a while now, but I’m back and I’m finally ready to write about where I’ve been and how everything fell to pieces.
Prepare yourselves for a life update with all the feels.
Not So Happily Ever After
You may remember that back in March I got engaged. You’d have been hard pushed to miss it because I posted about it on every available social media platform…multiple times. If I could have announced it to the world in sky-writing, I would have.
Well, in July that engagement fell apart. It ended with about as much shock and emotion as it had started. Writing about it now, it feels like it never really happened at all and that the whole thing was just some magnificent, shiny dream.
But then came the nightmare.
Losing the person you love is beyond painful. Seriously, now I truly understand all those Adele songs. But, as if that wasn’t enough, I lost all notion of what I was doing with my life too. Just a few weeks before the breakup I’d given up my job and apartment in Bahrain to go live happily ever after with my fiancé in California. Suddenly, all that went out the window and I found myself unemployed, single and living back at home with my parents.
Talk about a bad breakup!
From Bad to…Covid
It turns out 2020 wasn’t quite done with me yet. Because, ladies and gentlemen, after all that, I got Covid.
I am not kidding you! Should I start burning sage or something?
Thankfully, I got a fairly mild case and recovered after a couple of weeks without any complications. It was pretty rough, but at least it gave me the opportunity to binge-watch Emily in Paris on Netflix. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining.
Just Keep Swimming
For a while, I tried to keep on top of my blog posts and I stayed as up to date as possible with my Youtube videos too, but I’m sure you’ll forgive me for abandoning things here for a while. It seemed pretty nutty to spend my time writing blog posts about living your best life when it felt like mine was falling apart.
But now I’m ready to start writing again. I’m ready to start rebuilding my life and making it even better than before. It’s going to be a challenge. Some parts are going to suck. But nothing worth
And the fun part is that we’re in it together.