Why I Moved to Kuwait

expat life in Kuwait

If someone had sidled up to me five years ago and told me that I’d end up living in the Middle East (and not even the cosmopolitan city of Dubai where you can spend your weekends sipping cocktails on the beach, but in a questionable apartment block in a sketchy part of Kuwait) I’d have laughed. And then laughed some more. And yet here I am, suddenly living the expat life in Kuwait. How did that happen?

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Who is this Oddball Anyway?

who is this oddball

Hello internet!

I’m Aimee. I’m 26 years old, I currently share a hideously furnished apartment overlooking the Kuwaiti desert with my Irish and Canadian roommates, and I’m a magnet for all things random and downright bizarre. I’m in the midst of scouring the planet and racking my brain to find inner contentment, a sense of purpose and all the other things Elizabeth Gilbert managed to pin down in ‘Eat Pray Love’. 

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