How to Set a Budget…and Actually Stick to it.

how to set a budget

Taking control of your finances and conquering your bad spending habits might seem overwhelming, but managing your money doesn’t need to be complicated. Trust me, I used to practically throw my money at anything and everything that caught my eye and I was the definition of living paycheque to paycheque. Now, I have complete control of my finances. So can you! All you have to do is take some small steps to change your mindset and your habits. And the first of those steps is learning how to set a budget…and actually stick to it.

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30 Before 30: My Quarter-Life Bucket List

Unbelievably, another year has flown past and here I am, staring down another birthday. The big 30 is looming ever closer (it’s so close now I can practically smell the sensible underwear trying to edge its way into my closet), but this year turning another year older doesn’t feel quite so apocalyptic. This year my quarter life crisis is not invited to the party and I will not spend the day sobbing into a piece of cake. End of.

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How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Stuff Done

I was meant to start writing this blog post five days ago. So, just to be clear, when it comes to procrastination I can hang with the best of them. But when it really comes down to it, I know I can sit down, block out distractions and whizz through my to-do list(s). I’ve been battling procrastination for years and (mercifully) I’ve worked out some useful tricks along the way. So today I’m sharing my favourite tips to help you stop procrastinating and get more done.

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50 Things to Declutter…Right Now!

things to declutter right now

If you feel like you’re drowning in a sea of unused kitchen appliances, ill-fitting promo t-shirts and plastic nicknacks, join the club. Clutter has a way of infiltrating our homes and clogging up our lives, often without us even realising it. And then, all of a sudden, you open your wardrobe and get crushed my a mountain of junk.

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10 Things Every Woman in her 20s Should Do

things to do in your twenties

Today I’m sharing my list of 10 things to do in your twenties. Being a 20 something woman can feel a little messy and overwhelming sometimes. Some days you feel like an unstoppable girlboss. Other days you get lipstick on your teeth, eat an entire sharing bag of Doritos and scroll through Instagram, wondering how those other women make life look so easy and glamorous. I get it. I’m no stranger to the quarter life crisis.

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