What Really Happens When You Declutter Your Life

I’ll admit it – I was one of those weird kids who revelled in organising and re-organising their bedrooms. I’d spend hours contentedly sorting through my Beanie Baby collection, alphabetising my books and arranging my…

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Elephant Spotting in Minneriya National Park, Sri Lanka.

Without a doubt, the thing I was looking forward to the most about my trip to Sri Lanka was the prospect of laying eyes on a wild elephant. With nearly 6,000 of them roaming the…

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10 Signs You’re Probably Having a Quarter-Life Crisis

I’ve been riding the roller-coaster that is my quarter life crisis for a solid 2 years now (the year before that was dedicated entirely to denying its existence, trying to conform to ‘normality’  and plastering…

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Why I Moved to Kuwait

If someone had sidled up to me five years ago and told me that I’d end up living in the Middle East (and not even the cosmopolitan city of Dubai where you can spend your…

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Who is this Oddball Anyway?

Hello internet! I’m Aimee. I’m 26 years old, I currently share a hideously furnished apartment overlooking the Kuwaiti desert with my Irish and Canadian roommates, and I’m a magnet for all things random and downright…

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