What Really Happens When You Declutter Your Life


I’ll admit it – I was one of those weird kids who revelled in organising and re-organising their bedrooms. I’d spend hours contentedly sorting through my Beanie Baby collection, alphabetising my books and arranging my sock drawer.

In fact, I am still that weirdo to this day!

For nearly 20 years I sorted, organised, categorised and alphabetised in an attempt to get my space in order. But no matter how hard I tried or how often I reorganised, my life was still a mess. No amount of colour coding could fix that.

Then one day it hit me: I’d always thought I needed more storage space. What I actually needed was less stuff!

I read Marie Kondo’s ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ (AKA the must-read book when it comes to decluttering) and immediately set about bagging up carful after carful of clothes, makeup, accessories and old toys. I got rid of an alarming amount of things. It proved to be quite a thrill…and was also kind of terrifying.

I started decluttering because I wanted more space, physically and mentally. Little did I know, there were plenty of other benefits to decluttering that I hadn’t expected.

Here are some of the benefits of decluttering and choosing a more minimalist lifestyle:

You’ll Have Space in you Living Space

Ok, it goes without saying, but when you get rid of all the unnecessary clutter you were holding onto, you gain a lot of space. You might find yourself feeling quite shocked at how big your home actually is now that it’s not crammed to bursting with unworn jackets, holiday trinkets and bizarre kitchen gadgets. It feels great to be able to open cupboards without the fear of being crushed to death by rogue piles of junk and there’s something weirdly thrilling about having a spare drawer with absolutely nothing in it. Trust me!

Cut your Cleaning Routine

With less clutter taking up space, cleaning becomes a lot easier. Not only will you have less to dust if your shelves are clear, but hoovering is a doddle when you don’t have to navigate between the towering piles of nicknacks that have accumulated on the floor.

Make Way for Mental Clarity

Let’s face it, if you have tights strewn over your lampshade and papers scattered over your dressing table, your bedroom is hardly a hub of productivity and inspiration. A messy space can be overwhelming, even if your mess is meticulously organised the way mine was. Clear, spacious surroundings are much more likely to inspire creativity and put you in a good frame of mind.

the life-changing magic of tidying up

Your Wallet will Thank You

If you declutter properly using the Konmari method, you’ll never want to go back to a life of stockpiling old magazines and hoarding a wardrobe full of clothes that still have the tags on. You’ll find you’re content living with less and you won’t want to fill up your space with unnecessary purchases. Over the last year I’ve saved hundreds of pounds by living with a more minimalist mindset and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to my old spending habits again.

The Environment Will Thank You Too

Since you’ll find yourself shopping a lot less after you transition into a more minimalist lifestyle, you’ll be doing the environment a favour. This crazy consumer culture we’ve got going on isn’t doing the planet any good. Here’s a worrying fact: 26 billion pounds of textiles end up in landfills every year…and that’s just in the US alone! Being more mindful about what you buy and what you choose to bring into your home can have a huge impact on the environment and that’s always a good thing.

You’ll Have More Freedom

True minimalists who’ve been able to part with all the unnecessary objects in their life have a huge sense of freedom. They can pack up everything they own into a single backpack and travel the world hermit-crab style. While most of us will probably never declutter to that extent, having less stuff crowding your space and weighing you down will give you a greater sense of freedom. It will be easier to pack up and move if you choose to and you’ll also gain a sense of mental freedom that will allow you take take risks, think outside the box and achieve things you never thought you could.

Your Space will be Perfect…Whatever that Means for You

If you stick to Marie Kondo’s principle of only keeping the things that spark joy, you’ll end up with a home full of objects that make you happy. No more drawers crammed with things you didn’t even know you had or collections of unwanted gifts you’ve kept out of a sense of obligation. Imagine how great it would feel if every single thing you owned was something you truly loved! Being in your space, surrounded by all the things that make you happy and with no clutter to distract you is a truly transformative experience.

Decluttering can be a daunting task. It takes time, energy and commitment. It can be a little scary to think about parting with things you’ve held onto for years. But trust me when I tell you, it’s totally worth it! Decluttering your home and making a shift towards a more minimal lifestyle really can change your life. Are you ready to take on the challenge?

Check out my free 5 Day Declutter Challenge here!

Looking for more decluttering inspiration? Join me on my Konmari journey over on my Youtube channel. 

* Some of the links included in this post are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to purchase the product through my link, I’ll make a small commission at no extra cost to you and everyone’s a winner!

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