Cosmetics Inventory 2021 | How Much Did I Really Use Up Last Year?

Hi. My name is Aimee and I’m a spreadsheet nerd. During my 2020 no buy year, I recorded pretty much every available figure to help track my progress and keep me focussed on the end goal – having less stuff! From how and when I spent my money to my cosmetics inventory, if I could count it, I threw it in a spreadsheet.

And now that 2021 is finally here and it’s time to start on my new low buy year challenge, I felt it was time to take another inventory and see how my stockpile is looking after a year of actively trying to use things up.

Recording my 2020 cosmetics inventory was a bit of a mess because this time last year, half of my stuff was in the UK and half of it was in Bahrain. For that reason, I don’t think the figures from that inventory are 100% accurate, but it’s still interesting to get an idea of how much progress I made during my no buy year.

So my fellow spreadsheet nerds, feast your eyes on these!

Makeup Inventory

makeup inventory

Total change = -10 products

The perfume situation threw me here. I know I had quite a few new perfumes for Christmas, but I think something’s off. I know I used up one perfume last year and decluttered another two so I think I must have miscounted in 2020. Either way, clearly this is a category that need some work!

Skincare Inventory

skincare inventory

Total change = -31 products

Slowly but surely, these skincare products are getting under control.

Haircare Inventory

haircare inventory

Total change = -11 products

Obviously I need to buy a new shampoo so I guess technically the final total will be -10 products, but I still feel petty good about this progress.

Misc. Inventory

Total change = -41 products

Can we take a second for the fact that at the beginning of 2020 I had 40 candles? I mean, 29 is embarrassing enough, but 40?! That’s why I’ve included them in my inventory, even though they aren’t cosmetics. I just really need to work on using them up.

Final Thoughts

Like I said, the 2020 numbers are a little dodgy because I was moving between countries last January. I think they’re on the lower end, which means I actually used up even more than this. For a full overview of all my 2020 empties and savings, you can check out this blog post.

But, at the beginning of 2021 I have 293 products!


But you know what? Although my drawers are still stuffed to the brim and I still have more blushes than any one person can justify owning, I feel good. I’m finally making progress. Those crazy numbers are coming down.

So now, as I kick off my 2021 low buy year, let’s see how many products I can use up this year.

Psst! Looking for more no buy year content? Check out my Youtube playlist here!



  1. Catherine
    January 14, 2021 / 2:37 pm

    I’m so pleased you shared this with us, it’s really interesting! Looking forward to seeing your progress throughout the year 🙂

    • admin
      January 14, 2021 / 3:20 pm

      I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’m really looking forward to seeing the progress too.

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