How to be Single on Valentine’s Day

how to be single on Valentine's Day

As Valentine’s Day looms ever-closer, there are probably quite a lot of you out there who are dreading the whole glittery pink affair. And I’ve spent more than enough Valentine’s Days sitting alone watching The Notebook and inhaling an entire pack of Cadbury Milk Tray to understand that being single on the biggest love fest of the year can be totally brutal…if you sit alone watching The Notebook and inhaling an entire pack of Cadbury Milk Tray. Because that is not the right way to go about things. This, my friends, is how to be single on Valentine’s Day.

Don’t throw a pity party

Again, let me stress that sitting alone and crying at Nicholas Sparks films is not how you should plan on spending the evening. Same goes for listening to Adele. Ditto staring at pictures of your ex boyfriend who was kind of a loser anyway.

The truth is, there is no reason for any singleton to feel down on Valentine’s Day. Sure, you might not have anyone to give you a overpriced teddy bear, but you also don’t have anyone to pick up after; anyone to steal the fries off your plate; or anyone to keep you up at night with their snoring. Of course, there are great things about being in a relationship, but there are great things about being single too. So, while you are independent and free, don’t mope. Make the most of it.

Do the things you love

You don’t have to make any compromises. You only have yourself to please. You can go anywhere and do anything that will make you happy. So get out there and do those things!

Make plans with your non-romantic soul mates

Just because you’re single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you have to be alone. Make plans with friends or family members. Surround yourself with the awesome people you have in your life who love and appreciate you. And this doesn’t just go for Valentine’s Day either. Make the most of the special people in your life every day!

Take some time for self care

If you want to treat yourself to a facial, go ahead and do it. If you’d rather a nice relaxing bubble bath with a glass of wine, that actually sounds pretty spectacular in my opinion. My point is, go ahead and treat yourself by setting aside some time for a little tlc.

Remember all the amazing things about you

The idea that one (giant, corporate, tacky) day of the year should affect the way you feel about yourself is bananas. Sure, you’re going to be single on February 14th. You’re also going to be single on February 13th and probably on February 15th too so why is Valentine’s Day so special? And why does being single really matter anyway?

In the five and a half years that I was single before I met Cody, I was the same hardworking, independent, clumsy and slightly erratic weirdo that I am now that I’m in a relationship. Having a partner doesn’t change how awesome you are. It just means you always have someone to take to awkward family events. And while that is a major plus, you shouldn’t ever forget all of the wonderful things about yourself just because you haven’t found someone to share those things with yet.

So let this be the takeaway: if you’re wondering how to be single on Valentine’s Day then treat it like any other day. Make the most of another wonderful day to be alive and a celebration of how awesome you are.


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