How to Set a Budget…and Actually Stick to it.

how to set a budget

Taking control of your finances and conquering your bad spending habits might seem overwhelming, but managing your money doesn’t need to be complicated. Trust me, I used to practically throw my money at anything and everything that caught my eye and I was the definition of living paycheque to paycheque. Now, I have complete control of my finances. So can you! All you have to do is take some small steps to change your mindset and your habits. And the first of those steps is learning how to set a budget…and actually stick to it.

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No Buy Year Rules | No Buy 2020

Over the last few years I’ve changed my life in every conceivable way. I moved to the other side of the planet for a start. Then I found myself reading self help books, going vegetarian, shopping less, meditating more and having conversations with my old t-shirts in a Kon Marie declutter of epic proportions. But, for all that, I still feel like I’m trapped in the quicksand of consumerism. I still don’t feel like I’m in control. So my New Year’s Resolution for 2020 is to take on a no buy year.

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10 Things I No Longer Buy (and you shouldn’t either!)

things i no longer buy

I don’t know if it was my move towards a more minimal life, my increased interest in being an eco-warrior or just a part of growing up, but over the last few years I’ve been looking at all the junk I buy and really questioning my sanity. I’ve streamlined my purchases and cut a lot of unnecessary items out of my life and I feel a lot better for it. Here’s a list of 10 of the things I no longer buy.

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How I Learned to Shop Less (and why you should too!)

how to shop less

I used to be the queen of compulsive shopping. I was capable of doing some pretty major damage on my credit card on the average Saturday afternoon. But then everything changed. I learned to shop less. And you know what? It really wasn’t that difficult. 

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