How Cash Stuffing Saves Me Money Every Month

Heads up, besties! This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you make a purchase using my link, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

A few months ago, the TikTok For You Page really said, “For you, Aimée” when it started bombarding me with cash stuffing videos. I had no idea what I was looking at but I was immediately taken in by the pretty pastel binders, the labels, and the weirdly satisfying way people divided their money into piles with all the notes facing the same way.

Everything in my little OCD brain lit up. 

I needed to be a part of this new world!

So I ordered myself a cash stuffing binder, overhauled my budget, and gleefully jumped into applying this new money-saving technique.

And friends, it’s working!

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Heads up, besties! This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you make a purchase using my link, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Low Buy Year Rules 2021

In 2020 I challenged myself to a no buy year. I had no idea what to expect or whether I’d make it out the other side with my sanity still in tact. Good news – I made it! Not only that, but I actually enjoyed it. So this year I’m tweaking things slightly and embarking on a slightly less restrictive low buy year. How does that work? What does that mean? Well, let me share my low buy year rules.

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My 2020 No Buy Year Results | Savings, Spending & Final Thoughts

no buy year

Happy new year y’all! We made it! 2020 was a lot of things (most of which were not so great), but it was also my first ever no buy year. Way back in January I set out some rules for my no spend challenge and embarked on a year without shopping. Today I’m sharing an overview of my 2020 no buy experience including all the highs, lows and satisfying figures.

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October No Buy Update | Please Send Help Because I Have a Problem

october no buy update

Ok folks, time for another no buy year update. I’ve dropped the ball on these over the last few months because life got a bit dramatic there for a second, but I’m back and ready to talk about all the questionable things I spent money on last month. So let’s get straight to it. Here’s my October no buy update.

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How I Save Money on my Glasses with Firmoo


I love a bargain. Give me a coupon code, a cashback site, a price match guarantee…I live for that stuff! A while back I wrote a post called 20 Things to Stop Buying RIGHT NOW to Save Money and one of the things I included on that list was expensive glasses. Personally, I will never buy an expensive pair of glasses again. Why would I when I can get them for a fraction of the cost from Firmoo? Here’s why I buy all my glasses from Firmoo now and why I think you should too.

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