5 Morning Habits to Make Your Day More Productive

morning habits to make your day more productive

Mornings are hard. I, for one, am not a morning person. In fact, most days it takes at least 40 minutes and two cups of coffee before I’m prepared to make eye contact with another human. But good morning habits can set you up for a productive day. So let’s talk about some of the best morning habits to make your day more productive.

1. Wake Up Earlier

I know – it sounds like torture. But waking up even half an hour earlier in the morning can help to set you up for a much more positive and productive day. A little extra time in the morning can reduce stress because you don’t be running around like a headless chicken. Waking up earlier can also give you extra time to meditate, do yoga or get in a quick walk so you’ll feel energised and ready to take on the rest of the day.

For my top tips on how to wake up earlier, check out my blog post here.

2. Don’t Use Your Phone as an Alarm Clock

It’s far too easy to turn off your alarm and then open up your social media apps. Don’t waste your morning laying in bed, scrolling through Instagram. Instead, get an old fashioned alarm clock. Bonus points if you put it on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed as soon as it goes off.

3. Hydrate!

Get into the habit of chugging a bottle of water as soon as you wake up. Your body has been fasting all night and needs rehydrating.

4. Start Your Day with Yoga

A few months ago I started doing a Yoga with Adrienne routine each morning before breakfast. And wow! It really helps me to feel more energised and focussed and sets me up for an active, healthy day. I definitely recommend giving it a go, even if it’s only for 5-10 minutes. You’ll notice a difference!

5. Write Your To-Do List

Set yourself goals for the day and write them down! Goals you keep floating around in your mind are wishy-washy. Goals you write down in a to-do list are more concrete and, as a result, you’ll be more likely to actually fulfil them.

These simple morning habits to make your day more productive are easy to implement and will have a huge impact on the rest of your day. Now grab yourself a coffee and go kick some butt!


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