So it looks like we’re all going to be stuck at home for a while. On the one hand, that’s great news because social distancing/avoiding public spaces/living like a hermit is essential right now. On the other hand, it kind of sucks because there’s only so much Netflix you can watch in your sweatpants before you start to sink into a stinky pit of despair. So, to help make quarantine a little more bearable, here’s a list of fun and productive things to do during lockdown.
1. Take an online course
Right now there are hundreds of ivy league courses available to take online for free. Whether you’re looking to gain a few extra college credits or just want to spend time learning something new for fun, now’s the time to do some online learning.
2. Write in a journal
Even if you’ve never been to type to journal before, grab a pen. Day to day life in your living room might not seem interesting enough to document, but imagine how cool it will be for your kids or grandkids to look back at a diary from the Coronavirus lockdown. It’s also an excellent way to deal with any stress or anxiety you’ve got going on right now.
3. Try out some crafts and hobbies
Break out the sewing machine, knitting needles, bonsai tree, gardening gloves…whatever! You’ve got nothing but time on your hands so use it to enhance a skill or indulge in an old hobby.
4. Work out at home
Take it from someone who’s been working at home for five weeks already, the quarantine 15 is real my friends. To keep your physical and mental health in good shape, dedicate some time each day to exercising. My personal favourite free at home workouts are Joe Wicks’ daily P.E. lessons (designed for kids, but absolutely floored me) and Blogilates’ quick, targeted pilates workouts.
5. Experiment with some new recipes
It’s a well known fact that I am not gifted in the kitchen, but I’ve trying out a bunch of recipes I wouldn’t usually have the time or energy to attempt. It’s a great way to try out something new and you get to eat the results!
6. Declutter your home
There are so many benefits to decluttering your home and it’s probably more important than ever to rid your living space of junk right now. After all, you’re in that place all day every day at the moment and it’s important to have a stress-free, enjoyable environment to wait out lockdown in.
7. Stay connected with your loved ones
The luckiest among us are all stuck at home right now so it’s the perfect time to check in with loved ones. Personally, I’ve spoken to my family more in the last week than I usually get to in a month and I love it.
8. Read/listen to a book
Reading can transport you to another world, which might be the closest you get to actually going out in the world right now. If you don’t have any books on hand or want to try something a little different, try downloading audiobooks from Audible. You can get a 30 day free trial when you sign up too.
9. Practise self-care
Repeat after me: It’s ok if you’re totally freaking out right now! The world is upside down and inside out. It’s important to take time to relax and do things to ease the stress. Slap on a facemark, take a bubblebath, take some time to meditate…do whatever you need to do to feel good.
10. Learn a language
Y’all, I’m seriously trying to learn Spanish during lockdown…because why not? Duolingo is a fun way to learn a new language and I highly recommend it if you want to spend this time brushing up on your language skills.
11. Listen to some Podcasts
Podcasts are great and here’s why:
- They just are great.
- They’re ideal for multitasking. You can listen to a podcast as you do the dishes, tackle the ironing or even while you’re soaking in the bath. My personal favourites are ‘Stuff You Should Know’ for some seriously interesting lessons about absolutely everything and ‘Sierra Unfiltered’ for easy listening girl talk.
12. Go for a walk
If you can, try to get outside once a day to get your dose of fresh air and Vitamin D. Just make sure you keep your distance from other people.
13. Learn to dance
You may as well come out of this lockdown with some new skills in tow. I’m an absolute disgrace on the dance floor, but I’ve started spending 30 minutes a day following along with the (extremely beginner friendly) videos from Move with Colour. It’s a great way to get in a workout while having fun and learning something new.
14. Spring clean your home
You’re going to be stuck in it for a while so you may as well make it look nice.
15. Organise your finances
I know dealing with finances isn’t exactly the most exciting way to spend your time, but it’s a major part of adulting and it really doesn’t need to be difficult. Check out my tips for budgeting for beginners to learn where to start.
16. Make a gratitude list
I’m a huge fan of gratitude lists in general, but I think they’re more important now than ever. It’s easy to feel down in the dumps when you’re away from loved ones and missing your normal life, but we have so much to be thankful for. From the people who are still out there working hard to keep the rest of us safe to the fact that we have homes to self-isolate in to knowing that eventually we will get to see our families and the sunshine again, it’s important to count your blessings and look forward to better times.
These are just some ideas of things to do at home during lockdown. This is a challenging time, but, since we have to go through it either way, we might as well see it as an opportunity rather than a punishment. What are you doing to keep busy during quarantine? Share your ideas of things to do during lockdown in the comments and let’s work together to make all this a little more bearable.