Spring has officially sprung everyone! If, like me, you’re a fan of a bit of old-fashioned spring cleaning, you’ll be glad to learn that it’s not just your home and workspace that are crying out for a declutter. Your mind needs a little clearing out too. Gaining a little more mentally clarity really isn’t difficult so today I’m sharing my 5 tips to spring clean your mind.
1. Start with your physical space
I know what you’re thinking – I’m here for a mental declutter, not another lecture about mopping the floors and organising my desk drawers. But, the truth is, your physical space impacts directly on your mental space. If you’re surrounded by clutter and find yourself buried under crumpled up receipts, mismatched socks and half a dozen unused Bath and Bodyworks gift sets every time you open a cupboard door, it’s unlikely you’re going to find mental clarity.
A decluttered home is the first step to a decluttered mind. Not only that, but decluttering your living space also has some other awesome benefits that will all ultimately change your life for the better.
2. Set aside time to exercise
No, that doesn’t mean you have to be the kind of person who wakes up at 4am to go on a 3 mile run. Trust me – I will never be that person!
But exercise plays a big role in mental wellbeing. That rush of endorphins at the end of a workout is a huge mood booster and the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel as you grow stronger, faster and more flexible will increase your self-confidence too. It can be something as simple as a walk around the block or you could even use this as an opportunity to try something new like yoga, a spin class or, if you’re really ambitious, lyra…why not?! Find something that brings you joy!
3. Write things down
How many millions of thoughts do you currently have racing around your mind? How many to-do lists are you mentally adding to, grocery lists are you trying not to forget and arguments do you have replaying for the sixtieth time?
Writing things down can help to free up space in your mind. For a start, make a habit of writing down any appointments, to-do lists and other important pieces of information. Don’t treat your brain like an overworked secretary.
Then consider starting a journal. It’s not just for 14 years old girls, I swear! Writing down thoughts and emotions is an excellent way to process them. Thinking through hurtful experiences and writing them in your own words helps you to work through them and then let them go. Get all of that negativity out of your head and onto a blank page instead.
4. Clean up your diet
We’d all love to eat chocolate cake for breakfast and I totally support that as a one-off treat here and there, but cleaning up your diet is a big part of cleaning up your mind. Processed foods can leave you feeling sluggish, both mentally and physically. You need brain food!
Increasing the amount of whole, plant based foods you eat will help you to feel more alert and will keep your mind healthy and happy throughout the day. At the risk of sounding like your mother, eat your vegetables!
5. Learn to press the happy button
Life is stressful. It’s packed to bursting with deadlines, bills, heartaches and never-ending to-do lists. The key is learning that you are in control of our own happiness. Sure, you might have a crumby day, but remember that you have the power to turn it back around by simply pressing that happy button. That is, just choosing not to let the little things grind on you and decide you’re going to be happy instead.
Mental spring cleaning is actually pretty easy when you break it down and, the more you practise these habits, the easier they’ll become. So set aside some time this Spring to brush away those mental cobwebs and give your mind the declutter it deserves.