I don’t know if it was my move towards a more minimal life, my increased interest in being an eco-warrior or just a part of growing up, but over the last few years I’ve been looking at all the junk I buy and really questioning my sanity. I’ve streamlined my purchases and cut a lot of unnecessary items out of my life and I feel a lot better for it. Here’s a list of 10 of the things I no longer buy.
1. Face wipes
I used to be a face wipe junkie. Luckily, I came to my senses when I realised how many wipes I was throwing into the landfill each year. I traded in my face wipes for coconut oil or micellar water and I’ve never looked back.
2. Cotton rounds
Trading in my face wipes for a more eco friendly alternative also meant ditching disposable cotton rounds for reusable alternatives. There are plenty of DIY tutorials on Youtube or, for the less crafty among us, there are plenty to choose from on Amazon.
3. Magazines
I despair when I think about how much money I’ve wasted on magazines over the years. They bring about an hour and a half’s worth of enjoyment and then end up in the bin. Now I get my Cosmo fix online instead.
4. Shampoos and conditioners in plastic bottles
I can’t ever see myself giving up shampoo and conditioner (I have way too much frizz to even consider that), but I did give up on the plastic side of things. By switching to the Lush shampoo and conditioner bars, I’ve made my bathroom a little less wasteful and my hair a whole lot healthier.
5. Shaving cream
Forget everything you’ve ever heard – you don’t need shaving cream to shave your legs. Plain old soap works just fine.
6. Shower gel
I used to love fancy shower gels, but now I’ve made the switch to a plain old bar of soap. Not only am I cutting down on plastic, but I’m cutting down on cost. One of my favourite shower gels costs up to £6 a bottle! Soap is £1. Need I say more?
7. Foil, cling film and sandwich bags
Yes, they’re convenient when you’re taking lunch on the go, but I’ve just started taking a reusable lunch box with me instead.
8. Air freshener
As much as I like my home to smell clean, my scented candle addiction really makes air fresheners completely unnecessary.
9. Ready meals
There was a time when ready meals were pretty much my only meals. After all, who wants to slave over a hot stove after coming home from a long day at work? The thing is, not only are those single use plastic trays bad for the environment, the food inside it isn’t all that good either. I’ve switched to meal prepping my own re-heatable dinners instead and my body, bank balance and the environment are all thanking me for it.
10. Anything tested on animals
Recently I made the decision to stop buying products that are tested on animals. Yes, I mourned the loss of Estee Lauder from my life, but it feels good to know that my purchases aren’t inflicting unnecessary suffering.
What unnecessary items have you banished from your shopping list?