I used to be the queen of compulsive shopping. I was capable of doing some pretty major damage on my credit card on the average Saturday afternoon. But then everything changed. I learned to shop less. And you know what? It really wasn’t that difficult.
I no longer buy random things that take my fancy or just because they’re on sale. I don’t spend my weekends at the shopping centre, browsing the latest fashions to pass the time. I don’t have a wardrobe so stuffed to the brim that when I pull the clothes out they’re wrinkled. I don’t waste my money, space or energy anymore.
But how did I make these changes and, more puzzling to some people, why? Here’s how I learned to shop less and made the move towards a more minimalist lifestyle.
Marie Kondo Made Me Do It
The thing that really kickstarted this whole new perspective I have was reading ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ by Marie Kondo. I’d decluttered my space before…many, many times, but using the Konmari method changed everything. After reading Marie Kondo’s book, my relationship with my possessions changed. Instead of wanting to accumulate more, I wanted to weed out the superfluous stuff so I’d be surrounded only by things that sparked joy in me.
The Space Issue
I live in a small space, both here in Kuwait and when I’m living back in the UK. I’d get overwhelmed and claustrophobic when I walked into my room. There was stuff everywhere and no amount of organising or nifty storage solutions could ever fix that. One of my greatest breakthroughs was realising I didn’t need more storage space; I actually just needed less stuff!
My Wallet Needed a Helping Hand
Like most millennials, I don’t own my own home and, like most millennials, that really irritates me. Scraping together enough money to get yourself on the housing ladder is no easy feat, especially if you like to travel. Giving up my old spending habits has allowed me to save a significant amount of money over the last nine months. I don’t deny myself anything. I still travel, eat out every week and even treat myself to overpriced coffees every now and then. But not feeling the need to re-stock my wardrobe every season or buy informercial tat that I’ll never use has had a major impact on my saving capacity.

My Eco-Conscience
Our insane consumer culture is destroying the environment. Our view that everything is disposable and easily replaceable contributes to the 50 tonnes of household waste we throw out every second. Every second! Buying less means less fossil fuels produced during manufacturing and shipping processes as well as less stuff ending up in landfills.
Stuff = Stress
Living in a cluttered space where you can’t find anything and things fall on you when you open cupboard doors is stressful. Having £14 left in your bank account at the end of the month because you spent all your money on new shoes is also stressful. Living with less and spending your money on experiences that bring you joy, on the other hand, is enlightening.
Yet Another Netflix Documentary
I’m a Netflix documentary junkie and the message in ‘Minimalism’ just spoke to me. It highlighted a lot of the points I’ve talked about in this post such as how having less stuff will have positive impacts on the environment, your living space and your mental health. It really forces you to question why you bought into the whole consumer culture in the first place.
I just don’t need it
I’ve come to realise I need significantly less than I ever thought I did. I can live with one pair of jeans and the world won’t come crumbling down around me. I can stick with a single lipstick shade without fear of sudden death. Yes, it’s nice to have things and I still own significantly more than I need, but realising that I can get by just fine without going on a shopping spree every other weekend has made changing my shopping habits really easy.
Look, I’m no minimalist. I still have more shoes than any one woman would ever need. I still go on the occasional shopping trip with my mum. I still treat myself to a new dress every now and then. My shopping days are not over! But the way I shop and my attitude towards stuff has changed dramatically and honestly, it feels pretty darn good.