How To Organise Your Entire Life…The Easy Way

If you ever feel like getting organised is a bit like spinning plates, you and I have that in common. Maybe you get one area of your life organised and then a second and (if you’re lucky) even a third but then all of a sudden you realise you can’t keep it all going. Smash!

You’re right back where you started!

Sound familiar?

The good news is, you can break this cycle! In this post, I’ll teach you how to get organised with some quick and simple everyday adjustments. Getting organised is easy once you know where to start.

Empty your email inbox

Be honest – how many emails do you have sitting in your inbox right now? 20? 350? 1800?

This is an easy place to start. First things first, mass delete any spam or promotional emails and then unsubscribe from any email lists that flood your inbox every day. Then work through the emails that actually matter, sorting them into relevant folders.

Declutter & Organise Your Wardrobe

In my eyes, clutter is a villain and you’d be surprised how much of it is lurking in your wardrobe. From uncomfortable shoes you’re never going to wear to dresses that don’t zip up anymore, there are probably plenty of things you can part with.

I was surprised by how much clothing clutter I found when I did my most recent wardrobe declutter!

Once you’ve gotten rid of the things you no longer need, get your storage space organised. You can sort your clothes by colour, occasion, season…go wild!

Keep a Planner

Fun fact – your brain is not a supercomputer. It can’t possibly keep track of all the events, meetings, to-do lists, and memos you need to keep on top of.

Get yourself a planner and clear out some valuable room in your head by getting it all down on paper. Of course, I recommend the This Time Next Year Life Planner because it’s designed to help you level up your life as well as keep track of your busy schedule. But there are also lots of other great options on Etsy.

Clean Up Your Computer

As someone who works from her laptop (and has chronic neck pain to prove it!), my desktop is constantly overflowing with files. Can you relate?

It’s worth spending an afternoon absolutely blitzing your hard drive. Delete anything you no longer need, sort what’s left into folders, and (most importantly) back everything up! Then get into a habit of uploading any new files to your online storage system once a week and deleting the computer copies.

Create a 10-Minute Chore Chart

If you struggle to stay on top of boring cleaning tasks, this one is for you! Assign a different 10-minute cleaning task to each day of the week and do it right after breakfast. Things like dusting, hoovering your bedroom, emptying the bin etc are perfect and, by doing a little every day, you’ll stop these tasks from piling up.

You can even print out a hard copy of a blank chore chart and stick it up to remind you which chore you need to do each day. I’ve laminated mine so I can change it around when I need to and, I simply have to say, it’s been a game-changer.

Keep a Clutter Box

Clutter has a sneaky habit of worming its way into your life when you’re not looking. I don’t know how it happens but I do know how to take it.

Simply buy a storage box and use it as your designated clutter box. Store it somewhere that’s easy to access and then, whenever you come across something you no longer need, throw it in the box. Every couple of months or whenever the box is full, you can empty out the contents and donate them.

Make More Food

If you’re not a fan of slaving over a hot stove every evening after work but you don’t feel like dipping your toe into the world of meal-prepping just yet, here’s my top tip for reducing your time in the kitchen.

Whenever you make a batch of something (pasta bakes, chiles, curries etc are all perfect for this), simply double up the amount your cooking. Then box up the leftovers and throw them in the freezer. This way you’ll always have something on hand to eat when you’re tired/sick/lazy and don’t want to cook.

Organise Your Important Documents

It blows my mind when I hear people say things like, “I don’t know where my birth certificate is.” Why not?! What if you need it urgently?

I’ve created a life binder with all my most important documents inside. I also store high-value receipts in it, banking information, and anything else I might need to find quickly. Remember to store your life binder somewhere safe!

Create Morning & Evening Routines

I’m not saying you need a 16-step skincare ritual. I’m just saying that life flows a little more easily when you have a sense of routine.

Depending on your preferences and how much time you have, you might want to create elaborate routines for morning and night. But it’s just as valid to have a simple 5-step routine with just the bare minimums. The key here is consistency, not the length of the routine.

Track Your Finances

One of the most impactful things you’ll ever do in your life is make a budget. Whether you’re trying to get out of debt, want to curb your spending, or want to start putting more money aside for the future, the first step is understanding your financial situation and creating a plan.

I have a step-by-step guide on budgeting for beginners that you can use right here.

Make Your Bed

Why? Because it sets an intention. It says, “I’m kicking off this day with positive habits. I’m taking care of my space. I’m putting in the effort.” And that intention will carry with you through the rest of the day.

Keep a Running Grocery List

Never shop without a grocery list. It’s almost guaranteed you’ll buy plenty of things you don’t need and none of the things you do. But you can save time and energy on your weekly grocery list by writing it as you go.

Just pick up a magnetic notepad like this one and stick it to your fridge. Then, whenever you use something up, write it on the pad. When it’s time to go shopping, you’ll know exactly what you need to get.

Hopefully, these tips will have shed a little bit of light on how to become more organised and (more importantly) stay more organised. Just a few simple adjustments really can help you organise your entire life.


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