Everyone finds themselves stuck in a rut sometimes and never has that been truer than in 2020. Between all the political upheaval, pandemic panic, the whole ‘you legally have to stay inside your home and become a hermit’ thing and the onset of the bleak winter weather, we could all do with a little more positivity in our lives right now.
Cue the 60 day life reset!
I don’t know about you guys, but my mental health has gone through the wringer this year. Spending all this time indoors, apart from loved ones and watching more daytime TV than any one person should ever have to endure has put me in a bit of a negative place. And don’t forget all that personal drama, which was just the icing on the cake. Quite frankly, I’ve been stuck in a rut recently and I’ve found myself wondering, how can I possibly improve my life and start feeling better in the midst of all of this?
I came to the conclusion that I want to reset my life. So we’re clear, I’m totally aware of how vague and meaningless that sounds. Even I didn’t really understand what it meant for a while. But, after a lot of pondering, I realised what would really make me feel better right now would be having a sense of control.
Because here’s the thing – so many things are outside of our control right now and it’s driving me insane!
There’s nothing we can do about the pandemic or the lockdown rules, who gets sick or when we get to hang out with our friends and family again. And that sucks. But instead of focusing on all the things we can’t change right now, let’s put some energy into the things we can!
I’m going to challenge myself to a 60 day life reset to get myself off the couch, out of this mental headspace and feeling like I have some kind of control again.
I’m going to split the challenge into two parts – a 30 day full body reset and a 30 day mental health reset. It just felt like too much of a mountain to climb to try to wrangle my body and mind into shape all at once.
The 30 Day Full Body Reset
The goal here is to start treating my body better. We’ve all heard of the quarantine 14 (I was an early victim) and I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s fallen off track with their fitness goals this year. There’s no shame in it. The gyms have been closed, we’ve been stuck indoors…it happens!
But now I want to take back control of my body. At some point things are going to go back to normal and I’m going to need to fit into my jeans again! Not only that, but getting outside and doing exercise boosts endorphins and makes you feel happier, which is a pretty big deal right now.
The 30 Day Mental Health Reset
Once my body is in a better place, I’m going to address my mental health. I want to spend some time working on mindfulness, productivity and all those other buzz words. I want to break out of the gloomy headspace I’ve been in and get back to feeling like myself again.
Want to join in?
You’re welcome to join me on this 60 day life reset. The more the merrier! Below I’ll outline my goals for the 30 day full body reset to kick things off. Feel free to use those goals and adjust them as you see fit. Make this challenge something you’re excited about and include goals you know will benefit you most.
30 Day Full Body Challenge Goals
I work well with tick box exercises. I like the satisfaction of working my way through a list. With that said, I’m challenging myself to make these healthy lifestyle changes for the next 30 days and turning them into long-lasting habits. I’m going to give myself one day off a week to recover…and maybe eat a slice of pizza.
- Burn 500 active calories
- Exercise for at least 30 minutes
- Do some kind of toning/strength exercise for at least 10 minutes
- Eat clean and record what I eat in a food journal
- Drink three bottles of water
Look, these goals are nothing revolutionary, but they work for me. They’re achievable and a good stepping stone to get me back into a healthier lifestyle. I’ll be checking in with you guys regularly to let you know how it’s going.
Please be mindful when it comes to setting goals for yourself!
Maybe you’ve noticed that none of my goals relate to losing a certain number of pounds or a set amount of inches. The ultimate goal of this challenge is to feel healthier and happier. I want to eat better food because it helps my body to function better. I want to do more exercise because I love that high I get after a good workout. And yes, I want to get back into my pre-covid clothes, but that’s not where I’m placing all my focus.
The main driving factor shouldn’t be a number on the scale or on the inside of your jeans. Take on this challenge because it’s something you’ll enjoy doing and it’s something that will do your body and mind some good and all the other stuff will fall into place with time.
So who’s up for the 60 day life reset? I for one am more than ready to start getting out of a rut and adding some positive habits to my day to day life! Let’s do this!