10 Easy Ways to Add More Mindfulness to Your Day

easy ways to add more mindfulness

Mindfulness is the word on everyone’s lips right now. We’re all starting to take a step back and realise that our 40 hour working weeks, five page to-do lists and mobile phone addictions aren’t doing us a whole lot of good. We need some time to sit back, unplug and recharge our minds. Here are 10 easy ways to add more mindfulness to your day to day life. No seven hour meditation sessions or chanting monks required.

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The Pros and Cons of Living in Kuwait

the pros and cons of living in Kuwait

Moving to a new country is a little like riding a rollercoaster. There are highs, there are lows and sometimes it’s so intense that you feel like you want to be violently sick. I knew that there would be pros and cons of living in Kuwait, just like anywhere else, but I had no idea what those would be. Now that I’ve been on this white-knuckle ride for nine months, I want to share some of the pros and cons I’ve experienced during my time in Kuwait.

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10 Productive Things to do Instead of Watching Netflix

things to do instead of binging on Netflix

I’m sure we’d all like to be more productive and fill our spare time with meaningful activities that will enhance our lives in some way…girlboss-style. I’m also sure that most of us are guilty of getting home from work, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and vegetating in front of Netflix for three solid hours. So here are 10 productive things to do instead of watching Netflix.

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Dubai Desert Safari Adventure

Dubai desert safari

I’d been living in the Middle East for over two months and I’d yet to see a camel. I’d long since abandoned any hopes of stumbling upon magic lamps, flying carpets, caves of wonder or any other Disney-inspired stereotypes of the Persian Gulf. But I point blank refused to leave my five day trip to Dubai without coming face to face with a camel. So I headed out on a Dubai desert safari adventure.

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10 Easy Ways to Save the Planet

easy ways to save the planet

For people who’ve never dabbled in the world of ‘green living’ before, the whole thing can seem daunting and sometimes even a little bizarre. But fear not – environmentally conscious living is not reserved for bare-foot hippies or self-sufficient recluses who live in the woods. There are plenty of small and easy changes you can make in your day to day life that are easy ways to save the planet.

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