New year, new blog post…finally! This week I did my 2023 makeup & cosmetics inventory and, quite frankly, I was shocked and appalled.
Like, it was bad bad!
Makeup & Cosmetics Inventory Intro
If you’re new here, you might be thinking, ‘What the heck is a makeup and cosmetics inventory? Surely this girl hasn’t sat down and counted all of her cosmetics and make a note of them in a spreadsheet.’
Actually, that’s exactly what I did. And I’ve been doing it for the last few years, ever since starting my big makeup use-up. You see, I used to have a bit of a shopping problem. And that led to a stuff problem.
In 2020, I decided it was time to declutter my life. I did my first no-buy year and I was thrilled with the results. Not only did I save a lot of money, but I started to finally get on top of my makeup and beauty stockpile too. It was so satisfying!
And the spreadsheet helped me track my progress. (Plus, I’m a total spreadsheet nerd so any excuse.)
Ever since, I’ve done an annual makeup inventory and updated my spreadsheet to help keep me on track and focused on the end goal – less junk!
So here’s a breakdown of my 2023 makeup inventory list…
2023 Makeup Collection Inventory

There’s something I need to point out here. Back in August of 2022, I moved to Hanoi. I was planning on staying there for two years (it ended up lasting five months, but that’s a story for another day) so I stocked up on some of my favourite cosmetics before I went. After all, I knew it might be difficult to find my favourite products or brands in Vietnam and I wanted to be prepared. That’s the reason that a few of these numbers have gone up since last year.
2023 Skincare Collection Inventory

In my defence, if it hadn’t been for my jaunt to Hanoi, I know this category wouldn’t look so bleak. I certainly wouldn’t have rushed out to buy six suncreams if I’d been staying in the UK!
2023 Haircare Collection Inventory

Okay, I have no excuses for this one. I just went a bit crazy in the Coco & Eve Black Friday sale. My favourite hair masque was half price and I go through so many of them that it seemed like a good idea to buy a few at a bargain price.
2023 Toiletries Collection Inventory

I know what you’re thinking – ‘What’s with the bath bombs and soap?’ And to that, I say, “Christmas!” I got gifted so many smellies and cute gift sets this year and I’m really grateful because that means I certainly won’t have to spend any money on bath stuff for the rest of 2023.
2023 Miscellaneous Collection Inventory

And right at the end – a small victory! I’m thrilled to see that candle number steadily going down year-on-year. Seriously, I’m weirdly passionate about it.
Well, I technically have fewer products in 2023 than I did in 2022 but it’s an underwhelming victory, to say the least. I can see exactly what went wrong, though. Not only did I buy more products to take with me to Hanoi but, when I actually got to Hanoi, I found I was using far fewer products than I usually would. It was so humid there that the makeup slid right off my face. And I don’t enjoy that smudgy-eyed panda look!
So, with that said, (as long as I don’t randomly decide to up and move to the other side of the world again this year) 2023 should be far more successful when it comes to my big makeup use up and getting my cosmetics collection under control.
Well…that’s the theory anyway.