Over the last five years I’ve invested a lot of time and effort into trying to improve my mental health and carve out my own little slice of happiness. I read countless self-help books, took up yoga, attended counselling sessions, tried cognitive behavioural therapy and even skipped off to Thailand to learn to meditate with Buddhist monks.
It all kind of helped.
But then 2020 turned up and bulldozed through my life with reckless abandon and I was left staring into the rubble thinking…now what?!
Then, as if the universe was throwing down a dustpan and brush to help me begin the cleanup process, I came across Lauren Iles, a coach committed to helping people find happiness within themselves that will see them through all the ups and downs of life. She was looking for bloggers to try out her services in exchange for a review. I was having regular panic attacks and was so consumed with fear about my suddenly uncertain future that I could barely get through the day. So I thought I seemed like the perfect candidate for some happiness coaching.
I just didn’t expect it to have such a profound impact on my life.
What is coaching?
“What do you think coaching is?” Lauren asked me during my first session.
“I think it’s having an expert help you improve your life.”
“Sort of,” She said. “But you’re the expert.”
I certainly didn’t feel like an expert. I mean, there I was – recently single, unemployed, living in my childhood bedroom again and wearing fuzzy Minnie Mouse slippers. Not exactly the trademarks of a life expert.
But that’s one of the things I love about Lauren – she’s helping me realise that I am an expert in my own life. I have all the tools I need to be truly, genuinely happy and create a reality I love. I just need to learn how to use them. And she’s there to help me do that.
Each week she sets me a task to do before our session and then we work through it together. I’m always amazed at how much we’re able to get through in an hour.
What impact has coaching had on me?
When I met Lauren, I was at my worst. I was shattered by my breakup, confused by the way my life had flipped upside down overnight and terrified of the future. My self-esteem was on the floor. No, actually, it was in the basement somewhere.
Working with Lauren has changed my perspective completely. She’s helping me work through all the doubts and anxieties that were plaguing me. But more than that – she helps me learn new things about myself and has a knack for uncovering negative beliefs and thoughts that I didn’t even know were there.
As painful as some of the things we talk about are, Lauren’s always able to put a positive spin on things. Sometimes I have some uncomfortable realisations during our chats, but there’s no judgement or pressure from Lauren – just support. Each week I leave my session feel empowered.
And that’s a big deal for me!
I used to feel like this beaten-up raft, getting thrashed about on the ocean. Now I feel like I’ve finally found the steering wheel and I can start taking back control.
And now?
I knew before my free sessions with Lauren were over that I wanted to keep them up on a paid basis. I didn’t even need to stop and think about it.
I’ve made a huge amount of progress with Lauren in just four sessions and I know that, as I continue to work with her, I’ll keep feeling stronger, happier and more secure in myself.
Of all the things I’ve ever tried, coaching with Lauren has had the biggest impact on my mental health and outlook on life. She’s simply amazing!
You can check out Lauren’s website here: Lauren Iles Coaching
I honestly can’t recommend her enough!